Won't you please join Georgia Battlefields Association today?
complete the form below and click "Submit." You will then be redirected
to a page to send in your membership amount using a credit card or PayPal. If you
prefer, you can scroll down to the MEMBERSHIP FORM link at the bottom of the page, fill it in online, then print and mail the completed form with a check payable to Georgia
Battlefields Association to:
Georgia Battlefields Association 315 S. 5TH ST
GRIFFIN GA 30224-4343
Your membership is tax deductible
| $25 Individual $40 Family, Business or Organization $100 Friend $250 Benefactor $500 Patron $1000 Sponsor
Name | |
| Name of individual, family, business, or organization
Address | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Phone | |
e-mail (required if using PayPal) | |
Membership type | New Renewal |
Referred by (if applicable) | |
Gift membership given by | |
Gift membership address | |
Newsletter delivered via e-mail | |
Volunteer in preservation efforts | |
Remember GBA in my will | |
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